Sunday, September 28, 2014

Respect, Responsibility, Take a Risk, Bring your Best Self!

Take a risk

Intermediate Classroom Rules

Show respect, be responsible, take a risk and bring your best self to school, these are the Resource Room/Intermediate Division rules.  But what does it look like to show respect, be responsible, take a risk and bring your best self to school?  We will be exploring these ideas this week!!  I look forward to the student work surrounding these big ideas.

Food Fridays!

Food Friday #1 on Thursday in the Resource Room!
We celebrated Food Friday on Thursday this week due to the professional development day on Friday.  The tables were set and we enjoyed the company of Mr. Strath and Mrs. Cook, while we ate spaghetti, garlic bread and Caesar salad. Everyone had lots to eat and there was great conversation as well.  

The table is all set!
Colourful cupcakes made by Mrs. Hetu!
There was not much left when we were done!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Sable Island - A Living Treasure

Information about Sable Island on the CBC news!

Today the CBC news featured a story on Sable Island and the horses that live there. Our reading assessment also featured a story on Sable Island.  The students had a rich discussion about the pros and cons of making Sable Island a National Park.  We decided that they should leave the horses alone to run free!

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Reading Strategy of Visualization

Today we practised the reading strategy of visualization while reading "Airborn."
While the students in the Resource Room were listening to the book, they drew pictures to reflect their mental images and the use of their five senses while reading. 
We all agreed that coffee was one of the strongest images of the book today! 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Kenneth Oppel's Airborn

We have begun to read Kenneth Oppel's Airborn as our first read aloud novel this year.  We will be reading a variety of works from this very celebrated Canadian author.  The students are making text to self, text to text, text to media and text to world connections following the daily reading.  They can also use assistive technology to have the book read to them on their computers. 
This is definitely an adventure story for all!

Food Friday and Smile Cookies!

On Food Friday, we celebrated by eating smile cookies from Tim Hortons.  They are sold in support of a local charity, Gilda's Club of Simcoe Muskoka.  
Love the smile!
Make sure you return your permission forms sent home on Thursday in order to begin our regular Food Fridays!  We are beginning our Classroom Cafe unit soon!  Next up is spaghetti and garlic bread!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The International Plowing Match!
Today the Grades 1-8 Maple Grove Grizzlies travelled to the IPM in Ivy.   We had great weather and saw alot of interesting things.  Here are a few snapshots of our day!

Toys in the corn! 

Mini Ponies

Important Farmers

Lots and lots of cows!

Teacher selfie!


Do you know what pigs eat?

Lots of displays

Wood carvings

Clydesdale horses, they were huge!

yummy Kawartha Dairy ice cream

Beaver Tails!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

It was a busy day in the Resource Room!
As part of our Daily 5 100 minute Literacy Block, we did 20 minutes of independent reading.  This Maple Grove Grizzly joined us!
We learned how to login to the math game called Prodigy, which is aligned to the Ontario Math Curriculum and is also a fun way to build skills. 
Mrs. Hetu was busy as well, assisting students with all of their literacy needs!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Working on our Keyboarding Skills!

Free Typing Games offers a ton of different and useful typing games to improve keyboarding skills. From trick or type to drag racing, check out this link for many hours of fun and skill building at the same time!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Intermediate Trip to Fort Willow!

The Intermediate students traveled to Fort Willow on Friday September 12th.  They experienced a variety of hands-on activities, including candle and rope making.  It was chilly weather, but great for eating corn on the cob, roasted over an open fire!
 The Intermediate Team of Teachers this year!
A beautiful posy of wildflowers!
A knitted, handmade wool soldier.
The boiling corn cauldron.
A sample of student made rope!